Peer reviewed journal publication list
IF 4.980 ES 0.02982 (2021)
▪ S. C. Park , Y. H. Kim, J. G. Jang, H. R. Cho, H. J. Kwak, J. H. Kim, and D. I. Yu* , Dynamic contact angles and pressure drop at moving contact lines of water/ethanol mixture slug in hydrophobic capillary tubes via synchrotron x-ray imaging, Physics of Fluids 34, 032117, 2022
IF 1.810 ES 0.00766 (2020)
▪ N.P. Sapkal, S. C. Park, Y.W. Lee and D. I. Yu*, Experimental study of droplet splashing phenomena on hydrophobic micro-and micro/nano-textured surfaces, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 35, 5061–5070, 2021
IF 3.004 ES 0.05599 (2020)
▪ H. R. Cho, S. C. Park , D.Y. Kim, H.M. Joo and D. I. Yu*, Experimental Study on Pool Boiling on Hydrophilic Micro/Nanotextured Surfaces with Hydrophobic Patterns, Energies vol. 14, 7543. 2021
IF 3.557 ES 0.08141 (2019)
▪ S. C. Park, H. J. Kwak, M. H. Kim, Kamel Fezzaa, Y. W. Lee, and D. I. Yu* , Pressure Drop with Moving Contact Lines and Dynamic Contact Angles in a Hydrophobic Round Minichannel: Visualization via Synchrotron X-ray Imaging and Verification of Experimental Correlations, Langmuir vol. 36 (38), 11207-11214, 2020
IF 3.683 ES 0.096 JCR 25.77 (2018)
▪ D. I. Yu*, S. Doh, H. J. Kwak, J. Hong, N. P. Sapkal, M. H. Kim, Direct Visualization of the Behavior and Shapes of the Nanoscale Menisci of an Evaporating Water Droplet on a Hydrophilic Nanotextured Surface via High-Resolution Synchrotron X-ray Imaging, Langmuir, vol. 35, 6460-6467, 2019.
IF 3.683 ES 0.096 JCR 25.77 (2018)
▪ D. I Yu*, H. J. Kwak, C. Park, C. CHOI, N. P. Sapkal, J. Hong, M. H. Kim, Wetting Criteria of Intrinsic contact angle to distinguish between hydrophilic and hydrophobic micro-/nanotextured surfaces: experimental and theoretical analysis with synchrotron X-ray imaging, Langmuir, vol. 35, 3607-3614, 2019.
IF: 20.330 ES: 0.00278 JCR:60.68 (2017)
▪ D. Ko*, S. Doh, D. I. Yu, H. S. Park, M. H. Kim, The change of water distribution in porous media of the polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell after freeze/thaw cycles, Fuel Cells, vol. 18(4), 413-421, 2018.
IF:12.804 ES:0.10997 JCR:5.469 (2017)
▪ D. I. Yu*, H. J. Kwak*, H. Noh, H. S. Park, K. Fezzaa, M. H. Kim, Synchrotron X-ray imaging visualization study of capillary-induced flow and critical heat flux on surfaces with engineered micropillars, Science Advances, vol. 4, e1701571, 2018.
IF: 2.000 ES:0.00649 JCR:40.672 (2017)
▪ J. M. Kim, T. -J. Kim, D. I. Yu, H. Noh, M. H. Kim, K. Moriyama, H. S. Park, Effect of heterogeneous wetting surface characteristics on flow boiling performance, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, vol. 70, pp. 141-151, 2018.
IF: 4.346 ES:0.06021 JCR:6.391 (2016)
▪ J. M. Kim*, D. I. Yu, H. S. Park, K. Moriyama, M. H. Kim, Smart surface in pool boiling: thermally-induced wetting transition, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 109, pp. 231-241, 2017.
IF: 4.346 ES:0.06021 JCR:6.391 (2016)
▪ J. M. Kim*, S. H. Kang, D. I. Yu, H. S. Park, K. Moriyama, M. H. Kim, Smart surface in flow boiling: spontaneous change of wettability, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 105, pp. 147-156, 2017.
IF 3.683 ES 0.096 JCR 13.269 (2014)
▪ D. I. Yu*, S. W. Doh, H. J. Kwak, H. C. Kang, H. S. Ahn, H. S. Park, K. Moriyama, M. H. Kim, Wetting state on hydrophilic and hydrophobic micro-textured surfaces: thermodynamic analysis and X-ray visualization, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 106, no. 17, pp. 171602.1-5., 2015
IF:3.521 ES:0.22470 JCR:14.236 (2014)
▪ D. I. Yu*, S. W. Doh, H. J. Kwak, H. C. Kang, H. S. Ahn, H. S. Park, K. Moriyama, M. H. Kim, Wetting state on hydrophilic and hydrophobic micro-textured surfaces: thermodynamic analysis and X-ray visualization, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 106, no. 17, pp. 171602.1-5., 2015.
IF:3.521 ES:0.22470 JCR:14.236 (2014)
▪ H. Jo*, D. I. Yu*, H. Noh, H. S. Park, M. H. Kim, Boiling on spatially controlled heterogeneous surfaces: wettability patterns on microstructures, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 106, no. 18, pp. 181602.1-5., 2015.
IF:3.493 ES:0.01508 JCR:43.548 (2014)
▪ D. E. Kim*, D. I. Yu, D. W. Jerng, M. H. Kim, H. S. Ahn, Review of boiling heat transfer enhancement on micro/nanostructured surfaces, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, vol. 66, pp. 173-196, 2015.
IF: 4.346 ES:0.06021 JCR:10.584 (2014)
▪ D. I. Yu*, H. J. Kwak, S. W. Doh, H. C. Kang, H. S. Ahn, K. Moriyama, H. S. Park, M. H. Kim, Wetting and evaporation phenomena of water droplets on textured surfaces, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 90, pp. 191-200, 2015.
IF:3.521 ES:0.22470 JCR:14.236 (2014)
▪ D. E. Kim*, S. C. Park, D. I. Yu, M. H. Kim, H. S. Ahn, Enhanced critical heat flux by capillary driven liquid flow on the well-designed surface, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 107, no. 2, pp. 023903.1-5., 2015.
IF: 4.346 ES:0.06021 JCR:10.584 (2014)
▪ D. E. Kim*, D. I. Yu*, S. C. Park, H. J. Kwak, H. S. Ahn, Critical heat flux triggering mechanism on micro-structured surfaces: Coalesced bubble departure frequency and liquid furnishing capability, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 91, pp. 1237-1247, 2015.
IF:4.011 ES:1.06137 JCR:8.182 (2013)
▪ H. S. Ahn*, J. M. Kim*, T. J. Kim, S. C. Park, J. M. Kim, Y. Park, D. I. Yu, K. W. Hwang, H. Jo, H. Kim, M. H. Kim, Enhanced heat transfer is dependent on thickness of grapheme films: the heat dissipation during boiling, Scientific Reports, vol. 4, pp. 6276, 2014.
IF:4.011 ES:1.06137 JCR:13.393 (2012)
▪ H. S. Ahn*, J.-W. Jang*, M. Seol, J. M. Kim, D.-J. Yun, C. Park, J. M. Kim, D. H. Youn, J. Y. Kim, G. Park, S. C. Park, J. M. Kim, D. I. Yu, K Yong, M. H. Kim, J. S. Lee, Self-assembled foam-like grapheme networks formed through nucleate boiling, Scientific Reports, vol. 3, pp. 1396, 2013.
IF:3.493 ES:0.01508 JCR:46.774 (2011)
▪ D. I. Yu*, C. Choi, M. H. Kim, Pressure drop and dynamic contact angle of triple-line motion in a hydrophobic microchannel, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, vol. 39, pp. 60-70, 2012.
IF:4.346 ES:0.06021 JCR:13.158 (2010)
▪ C. Choi*, D. I. Yu, M. H. Kim, Adiabatic two-phase flow in rectangular microchannels with different aspect ratios: Part. I – Flow pattern, Pressure drop and void fraction, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 54, no. 1-3, pp. 616-624, 2011.
IF:3.493 ES:0.01508 JCR:43.548 (2010)
▪ C. Choi*, J. S. Shin, D. I. Yu, M. H. Kim, Flow boiling behaviors in hydrophilic and hydrophobic microchannels, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 816-824, 2011.
IF:3.493 ES:0.01508 JCR:43.548 (2010)
▪ C. Choi*, D. I. Yu, M. H. Kim, Surface wettability effect on flow pattern and pressure drop in adiabatic two-phase flows in rectangular microchannels with T-junction mixer, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, vol. 35, no. 6, pp. 1086-1096, 2011.
IF:4.346 ES:0.06021 JCR:13.158 (2010)
▪ C. Choi*, D. I. Yu, M. H. Kim, Adiabatic two-phase flow in rectangular microchannels with different aspect ratios: Part. II – bubble behavior and pressure drop in single bubble, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 53, no. 23-24, pp. 5242-5249, 2010.